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Vermicompost Lombec: Pure Earthworm Casting

LOMBEC earthworm humus is an organic and ecological fertilizer, resulting from the transformation, by Californian Red Worms, of compost from natural manure fermented several times, in earthworm humus fully assimilable by plants. It is a 100% natural product. The EC regulation 834/2007 and 889/2008 qualifies it as an ecological product.

The production process of our vermicompost consists of passing organic matter (100% compost, from calf, sheep, rabbit, ...) through the intestinal tract of earthworms that provides microorganisms and ferments, and eliminates manure phytotoxicity (acidity, remnants of antibiotics, etc.).

The earthworm humus is dark brown, odorless and leaves no residue to the touch.

Lombec vermicompost is a high quality product, with a great organic richness, lacking phytotoxicity and very easy to handle.

The earthworm humus, as a solid organic fertilizer, eliminates unwanted characteristics in manure, as it neither ferments nor rots and has two clear advantages in relation to organic fertilizers: it is practically neutral (pH between 7.5 and 8.5) and contains abundant bacterial flora (billions of colonies per gram of product).

The neutral character of earthworm humus, the absence of phytotoxicity, and the abundance of its bacterial colonies make this product present the following properties:

Composition and characteristics of earthworm humus

We now know that the growing use of chemical fertilizers to increase the fertility of the land and its intensive use causes the impoverishment in organic matter of the soil, with loss of nutrients and constant reduction of soil reserves. This implies an alteration in the natural balance of the ground, which facilitates the crystallization of the surface layer and consequently hinders the filtration of water and the penetration of nutrients in the soil.

The importance of organic matter in arable land acquires increasing prominence because experts and especially farmers began to realize the risks involved in the indiscriminate and exclusive use of chemical fertilizers.

The use of vermicompost is a quick and easy way to restore organic matter to degraded soil and thereby increase its fertility, since earthworm humus:

  • Improves soil structure,
  • Accelerates the humification process,
  • Increases water holding capacity,
  • Increases cation exchange capacity of soil,
  • Stimulates the activity and development of microorganisms,
  • Increases the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers by accelerating the recovery of fertility.

Analysis of Lombec fertilizer

Analysis carried out on 09/25/2019 and carried out by the Agroenvironmental Laboratory APPLUS AGROAMBIENTAL, S.A., recognized by the DAR with Registry No. 212 and authorized by the Department of Health with the Registration No. R1-150-00.


  • pH: 7,9
  • Bacterial Colony: billions per gr of product
  • Humic acids: 9%

*The bacterial colony, thanks to the humidity of the product, stimulates and accelerates the humification of the organic matter contributing more humic extract to the plant. The C/N ratio indicates that the product is very stabilized.


  • Organic Material: 40,90%
  • Maximum Humidity: 40,00%
  • Organic Carbon: 20,14%
  • C/N ratio: 9,6

*The plant, in its most tender phase, finds food to start feeding.


  • Organic nitrogen (N): 2,31%
  • Organic phosphorus (P): 1,46%
  • Organic potassium (K): 2,37%

*Good balance between the main nutrients, all of them organic.


  • Calcium (Ca): 9,70%
  • Magnesium (Mg): 1,42%
  • Sulfur (S): 0,81%
  • Sodium (Na): 0,45%

*Good supply of calcium and also magnesium, both important ions for the correct development of many plants (especially the vineyard), on a neutral medium, to avoid their repulsion.


  • Iron (Fe): 8,80 ‰
  • Zinc (Zn): 0,38 ‰
  • Copper (Cu): 0,06 ‰


  • Cadmium (Cd): 0,20 ppm.
  • Nickel (Ni): 11,00 ppm.
  • Plombus (Pb): 8,00 ppm.
  • Mercury (Hg): 0,02 ppm.
  • Chrome: 11,00 ppm.
  • Chrome (VI): <0,50 ppm. (inappreciable)


  • Salmonella : 0,00 P/A per 25 gr. (total absence)
  • Escherichia Coli : <10 UFC/grs.


  • Natural and ecological product.
  • Suitable for all types of crops.
  • Lack of phytotoxicity (salmonella, coli).
  • Odorless and leaves no residue to the touch.
  • Enriches the soils thanks to the formation of clay-humic complexes.
  • Helps to restructure degraded lands.
  • Increases the water retention capacity and mineral salts in the soil.
  • Increases the biological activity of soils.

Main applications and dosage of use

This product has a generalized application to all types of crops, since:

  • it is rich in organic matter
  • its pH is neutral
  • it provides a considerable amount of humic extract (humic acids and fulvic acids)
  • it presents a very high concentration of bacterial flora per gram of product, much higher than any other organic fertilizer

The worm casting Lombec can be applied directly in contact with the roots, without them being harmed because, from the first moment of the plantation, the roots benefit from the great concentration of bacterial colony that facilitates the transformation of the organic matter for its rapid assimilation by the plant, especially the youngest ones or those from transplantation.

The main fields of application are:

  • horticulture
  • greenhousing and seed beading
  • gardening

The application of the vermicompost is recommended in direct contact with the roots or as close as possible to these.

  1. Horticulture ........................................................... 100 ÷ 250 gr./plant
  2. Seedbeds, pots, planters ........................ 50% of ground and 50% worm casting
  3. Transplants .......................................................... between 100 ÷ 300 gr./plant
  4. Fruit trees ............................................................... between 1 ÷ 2kg./tree (acording to size and ground quality)
  5. Floral plantations .......................................... between 0,5 ÷ 1 kg./tree (acording to size and ground quality)

  1. Grass:
    1. Seedtime .......................................... between 200 ÷ 400 Kg. of worm casting per 1.000 m2 applied with the seed
    2. Natural fertilizer .......................... between 50 ÷ 150 Kg. of worm casting per 1.000 m2 according to soil characteristics
  2. Traditional crops .................................. between 100 ÷ 150 Kg. of worm casting per 1.000 m2
  3. Hydroseeding ........................................... between 150 ÷ 200 Kg. of worm casting per 1.000 m2 applied with the seed

Transplant of vegetables and floral plants with Lombec